Controlling Your Naturally Curly Hair

Having all natural curls is something that those who have it should be proud of, however many people despise their curly mane because of how hard it is to control. Maintaining your natural curls does take some time and patience but it is not impossible. Here are some no-frizz tips that will help you to get your gorgeous hair under control.

Keep your Split Ends Trimmed Away

Our hair becomes frizzy and unmanageable when split ends are present. The best way to put an end to troublesome split ends is to have your hair trimmed once every six to eight weeks. You do not have to get a major haircut each time, just trimming away the ends will do the trick. If you can’t afford to go to your usual expensive salon this often, you may want to choose a good discount beauty shop for this quick and simple routine trim up job.

Cut Down on Shampooing Your Hair

In order to keep your curls under control they need the help of the natural oils that are produced by your scalp which helps to cut down on the frizz factor. Washing your hair with shampoo more than four times per week will cause you to lose the benefits of these essential oils and do more harm than good to your natural curls. On the off days, simply rinse your hair out in the shower and use your regular conditioner.

Speaking of Conditioner, Use a Large Amount!

The more moisture your hair has the better off it will be. As curls become dry it is essential to add more conditioner to your hair washing routine in order to cut down on the frizz. You should never skip on using conditioning products and avoid the 2-in-1 Shampoos and Conditioners because they do not typically contain enough to maintain your curls. You should always massage in your conditioner from the root of your hair to tip and leave it in for around two minutes before you rinse it out. Using a deep conditioning product at least once per week will also help you when it comes to controlling unruly curls.

Use a Comb instead of a Brush

If you want to have more control over your curls you should choose to use a wide toothed comb instead of a typical hairbrush. A comb will be able to separate your curls and help you to style your hair in the exact way you want it. Brushing your hair, especially while it is still wet, will cause your hair to break easily which means more split ends. For best results ditch the brush and invest in some good quality wide toothed combs instead.

Minimize the Amount of Heat you apply to your Hair

Heated styling tools can be tempting to use especially if they can help straighten out your hair and give you a brand new look. But the heat from hair dryers, curling irons and flat irons can contribute to drying out your hair, making it damaged and brittle. This can lead to more split ends which will cause your hair to become frizzy. When you wash your hair, it is best to allow it to dry naturally instead of using a hair dryer so that less damage will occur. You can also use heat protective serums and sprays when you do use a flat iron or other heated device on your hair to help cut down on the amount of damage that is done.

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writes on behalf of Lifesure Beauty Insurance.

Sandra has had many years of blogging experience on a wide range of topics including health and beauty.

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