In The Memory of Guy Mascolo

The name of Gaetano “Guy” Mascolo is strictly connected to the one of his brother, Toni Mascolo. Together, adolescents, they helped their father at his hairdressing salon in Scafati (Naples), but soon at the age of 20 they founded in UK their own company that today represents one of the most successful hairdressing businesses in the whole world.

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Toni and Guy opened their first salon in 1963 in Clapham, London with the simple and modest aim to keep their family together, surely unaware that their small project would lead to a huge chain of hairdressing salons all over the world.
When they were 10 and 12 the whole family moved to London, considered by their father Franco “the capital of the world”. But unluckily, they lost their mother aged 45, because of some complications after a gall bladder operation and it was hard for their father, devastated, to take care of his five children. For this reason, aged 18 and 20 decided to build a business to support the family, to keep them always together and to permit the youngest brothers to continue studying.
They worked almost 18 hours a day, seven days a week, earning never enough.
Nevertheless, thanks to their tenacity and diligence and the help of special people, like for example Toni’s wife Paula who worked in their salon from the very beginning, their business started to work finally.

It was in August 2009 that a terrible tragedy hit the family: Guy died aged 65, of a heart attack in his house in Dallas.
It completely destroyed Toni, as they were very close, not just brothers but real friends, above all after the foundation of their first salon, as they spent every second of their life together, just the two of them, with the aim of fighting to save the family.

Toni and his beloved brother Guy (Toni&Guy) can count 480 salons in the organisation, with more than 260 just in the United Kingdom. They have salons everywhere: in Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, Sri Lanka and Cambodia. Next year they will open even in Nepal. Toni&Guy is proud of clients such as Diana Ross and The Rolling Stones, as well as of its 55 British Hairdressing Awards in many categories including British Hairdresser of the Year and Best British Artistic Team.
What’s more, they have more than 8000 people as employees and an annual turnover of £ 175 million.
Toni is aged 72 today and he still cuts hair, because he loves it and has he said, he has no choice, it is the only thing he can do.

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